Saturday, March 23, 2013
Doyles Rathnew Friday Night Results
15 Runners in Doyles Rathnew last night. Well done to Dave Merrigan & Decky Earls who split for €300 each. Josh Graham was 3rd for €90 and John Clarke 4th for €50. Best hand of the night was a full house of kings over 2s.
Star Poker Bray Thursday Night Results
Congratulations to Simon Mackey and Sean Hammond who both won free entry into the Super Star Sunday Freeze-Out Tournament on 19th May, worth €220 each.
Saturday Night Poker
Star Poker Bray is on tonight and its the same tournament as a Friday Night "the double chance tournament. Be knocked out or go bust before the end of the break and you can rebuy again for €25 (20 plus 5 reg). Starts at 8.00pm and you can register up to 9.30pm. Blinds are 15 mins and a 10k starting stack. Refreshments served throughout and hot food served at the break. probably get 30 plus again.
Cash Tables available when enough players are around to start. blinds are 25/50c, 10% rake once a flop is seen and capped at €3 per pot. The minimum you can buy onto cash for is €25 and the Maximum has been increased to €500.
Cash Tables available when enough players are around to start. blinds are 25/50c, 10% rake once a flop is seen and capped at €3 per pot. The minimum you can buy onto cash for is €25 and the Maximum has been increased to €500.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Friday Night Poker
Action as follows:
Doyles Rathnew, starts at 8.00pm. Seems to be getting 2 tables consistently now. €20 buy in and a starting stack of 2.5k and a 20 min clock. You can rebuy/topup 3 times and if your gone before the break you can buy a deadstack and the 3 topups for €50. All money taken in on the night goes back out in the prizefund.
The Kennedy inn, Newtown. Starts at 8.00pm, buy in is €20, with a €20 top up. early bird chip of 1k if your there before 8. Starting stack of 10k and a 20 min clock. The topup/rebuy is also for 10k. Consistently getting 2 tables now, this is a good game.
Star Poker Bray, have their €25 (20 plus 5 reg) double chance tournie. Bust or be knocked out before the end of the first break at 9.30pm and you can rebuy for a further €25. Starts at 8.00pm and you can late reg up to 9.30pm. Starting stack of 10k, 15 min blinds and usually 30/40 plus runners last week 50 plus i believe. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break.
Cash tables run until late and usually have 2 going. 25/50c blinds. 10% rake once a flop is seen, capped at €3 per pot, again the 2 cash tables usually fill up fairly fast.
Have a good weekend and good luck at the tables.
Doyles Rathnew, starts at 8.00pm. Seems to be getting 2 tables consistently now. €20 buy in and a starting stack of 2.5k and a 20 min clock. You can rebuy/topup 3 times and if your gone before the break you can buy a deadstack and the 3 topups for €50. All money taken in on the night goes back out in the prizefund.
The Kennedy inn, Newtown. Starts at 8.00pm, buy in is €20, with a €20 top up. early bird chip of 1k if your there before 8. Starting stack of 10k and a 20 min clock. The topup/rebuy is also for 10k. Consistently getting 2 tables now, this is a good game.
Star Poker Bray, have their €25 (20 plus 5 reg) double chance tournie. Bust or be knocked out before the end of the first break at 9.30pm and you can rebuy for a further €25. Starts at 8.00pm and you can late reg up to 9.30pm. Starting stack of 10k, 15 min blinds and usually 30/40 plus runners last week 50 plus i believe. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break.
Cash tables run until late and usually have 2 going. 25/50c blinds. 10% rake once a flop is seen, capped at €3 per pot, again the 2 cash tables usually fill up fairly fast.
Have a good weekend and good luck at the tables.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Old Ship Monday Night Full Results
10 players returned to Arklow Monday Night to play off in the League Final for 3 JP Masters Tickets.
Larry Devereaux went into seat 1 as the league winner and had over €5000 chips ahead of 2nd place.

2nd Place in the League and to the immediate left of Larry was Reimo Reinpalu:

3rd Place in the league went to Karl Larkin who wasnt the very best for the League Table, and even arrived late!

4th place in the league went to Darek Denesiuk who missed 8/9 of the last 10 weeks so goes to show how far ahead he was in the league.

5th in the league went to the Solid Bobby McGee, who had a few weeks were he finished runner up, runner up, runner up, Winner!

Seat 6 was Trevor Conyard
Seat 7 Was Niall O'Connor

Seat 8 went to Kyle Byrne, who sometimes can run so good.

Seat 9 was Craig Ledwith who got a bit of a scare in the league as a few players made a late charge.

Seat 10 was Zenonas who was fighting for the final spot right up to the last week.

The blinds started at 25/50 and the first 6 levels were 20 minutes. There was some very big pots earlier on. Kyle Byrne limped early with aces and there was 2 other players. It got checked to the river where a 3rd diamond came on the board. a small bet and kyle laid down the aces as he was afraid of the flush.
Another hand involving Kyle was with Craig, where both players flopped trip Jacks. A bet by Craig on the flop, and Turn was called by Kyle, only for him to Raise the river, with Craig folding and showing he had a jack. Craigs Kicker was not great and Kyle showed Jack, Queen for a bigger kicker, but a great fold by craig.
The first big hand of the night was a raise by Craig and 5 callers. On a King high flop with 2 spades, Craig led out, and got 2 callers. An ace on the turn and another bet by Craig, only to be called again By Niall O'Connor. A 3rd spade on the turn and Niall led out going all in. Craig tanked for a while before calling and tabling King, 10 Spades, only for Niall to table Ace, 2 spades for the nut flush and a 40k pot with the blinds at only 200/400!!
There was a lot of small pots being played but when the big ones arrived the chips were in the middle.
Bobby McGee woke up with Aces in the small blind and raised into the big Blind and Trevor Conyard. Trevor woke up with Jacks and called the raise. A Queen, 10, 9 flop was checked by both players. Another queen on the turn and bobby bet with trevor calling. A jack on the river and Trevor called Bobbys bet of 2100 to be shown the aces.
Bobby was building up a bit of a stack and was involved in the next all in. Reimo reinpalu flopped a straight and Bobby a flush Draw holding Queen Jack Diamonds. The straight held and Bobby lost half of his stack.
First player to go on the night was Craig Ledwith. Craig pushed all in Holding Ace Jack, after Trevor had raised Holding Ace King. Trevor got 2 other callers with Larry and Kyle.On an ace high flop, Trevor bet and was called to the river. Larry held a pocket pair, the ace king held and craig was gone.
Right before the break Reimo Reinpalu flopped Quad Queens, but got no action. Niall O'Connor was the chip leader going into the break.
It didnt take long after the break for another big pot to develop this time between Niall & Trevor. Trevor woke up in the big blind with Ace King, Niall raised from under the gun to 4k. Trevor called and the flop was King, Jack, 9 with 2 spades. Trevor check and Niall bet 7k. A 4 on the turn and Trevor checked again, with Niall betting 11k and again getting a call from Trevor. A spade King on the river and it went check check, with trevor tabling the ace King for the win. Niall advised he had aces.
Niall went soon after this hand as he raised again to be called by Trevor. A 9,7,4 flop went check check. A jack on the turn when Trevor bet 5k. Niall shipped for 25k and was snapped off by Trevor holding Kings, with Niall holding ace jack. A king on the river sendt Niall out in 8th.
Karl larkin was the next player to go when he pushed all in with Ace Queen and was called by Kyle Byrnes Ace 10. Kyle rivered a 10 to send Karl to the rails.
Next to go was Darek in 6th when he pushed all in and was called by Bobby and Kyle. Both players checked to the river with Kyle tabling 9,10 clubs for a rivered flush.
Zenonas and Larry Devereaux were involved in a hand soon after that sent Larry out in 6th. On an ace 10 4 board, Larry pushed all in and tables Ace 7. Zenonas showed Ace 10 with larry needing a miracle that didnt come.
5 handed play went on for a while, with some big hand being shown. Zenonas was very unlucky on 3 occasions where he raised into Reimo who came over the top of the raise and went all in. Zenonas 3 times folded (queens and jacks on 2 occasions) and 3 times was shown aces by reimo!!
Kyle Byrne was trying bhis best to be knocked out but the cat with 9 lives couldnt. He wenty all in with 8,9 and was called by Reimo's Ace King to spike an 8 on the turn. This is just one of his all ins he survived while getting in behind.
Bobby McGee went out in 5th spot when he pushed with Queens and was called by Kyle Byrne and 9s. (Zenonas had folded a 9).
Kyle flopped the case 9 and sent Bobby to the rails. Bobby was unlucky in a few spots as he got in it ahead most of the time either to be outflopped or rivered. Bobby took €70 for his 5th Place finish.
Play didnt last much longer and Zenonas pushed on Trevors Big Blind. Trevor called with Jack 7, against Zenonas Queen 9. Trevor Turned a 7 and Zenonas took 4th and €200 for his troubles.
So Reimo, Trevor and Kyle each won a ticket to JP Masters game on Friday.

So best of luck on Friday to the ticket Winners. Hopefully one of them can have a good run and go deep!!
Larry Devereaux went into seat 1 as the league winner and had over €5000 chips ahead of 2nd place.
2nd Place in the League and to the immediate left of Larry was Reimo Reinpalu:
3rd Place in the league went to Karl Larkin who wasnt the very best for the League Table, and even arrived late!
4th place in the league went to Darek Denesiuk who missed 8/9 of the last 10 weeks so goes to show how far ahead he was in the league.
5th in the league went to the Solid Bobby McGee, who had a few weeks were he finished runner up, runner up, runner up, Winner!
Seat 6 was Trevor Conyard
Seat 7 Was Niall O'Connor
Seat 8 went to Kyle Byrne, who sometimes can run so good.
Seat 9 was Craig Ledwith who got a bit of a scare in the league as a few players made a late charge.
Seat 10 was Zenonas who was fighting for the final spot right up to the last week.
The blinds started at 25/50 and the first 6 levels were 20 minutes. There was some very big pots earlier on. Kyle Byrne limped early with aces and there was 2 other players. It got checked to the river where a 3rd diamond came on the board. a small bet and kyle laid down the aces as he was afraid of the flush.
Another hand involving Kyle was with Craig, where both players flopped trip Jacks. A bet by Craig on the flop, and Turn was called by Kyle, only for him to Raise the river, with Craig folding and showing he had a jack. Craigs Kicker was not great and Kyle showed Jack, Queen for a bigger kicker, but a great fold by craig.
The first big hand of the night was a raise by Craig and 5 callers. On a King high flop with 2 spades, Craig led out, and got 2 callers. An ace on the turn and another bet by Craig, only to be called again By Niall O'Connor. A 3rd spade on the turn and Niall led out going all in. Craig tanked for a while before calling and tabling King, 10 Spades, only for Niall to table Ace, 2 spades for the nut flush and a 40k pot with the blinds at only 200/400!!
There was a lot of small pots being played but when the big ones arrived the chips were in the middle.
Bobby McGee woke up with Aces in the small blind and raised into the big Blind and Trevor Conyard. Trevor woke up with Jacks and called the raise. A Queen, 10, 9 flop was checked by both players. Another queen on the turn and bobby bet with trevor calling. A jack on the river and Trevor called Bobbys bet of 2100 to be shown the aces.
Bobby was building up a bit of a stack and was involved in the next all in. Reimo reinpalu flopped a straight and Bobby a flush Draw holding Queen Jack Diamonds. The straight held and Bobby lost half of his stack.
First player to go on the night was Craig Ledwith. Craig pushed all in Holding Ace Jack, after Trevor had raised Holding Ace King. Trevor got 2 other callers with Larry and Kyle.On an ace high flop, Trevor bet and was called to the river. Larry held a pocket pair, the ace king held and craig was gone.
Right before the break Reimo Reinpalu flopped Quad Queens, but got no action. Niall O'Connor was the chip leader going into the break.
It didnt take long after the break for another big pot to develop this time between Niall & Trevor. Trevor woke up in the big blind with Ace King, Niall raised from under the gun to 4k. Trevor called and the flop was King, Jack, 9 with 2 spades. Trevor check and Niall bet 7k. A 4 on the turn and Trevor checked again, with Niall betting 11k and again getting a call from Trevor. A spade King on the river and it went check check, with trevor tabling the ace King for the win. Niall advised he had aces.
Niall went soon after this hand as he raised again to be called by Trevor. A 9,7,4 flop went check check. A jack on the turn when Trevor bet 5k. Niall shipped for 25k and was snapped off by Trevor holding Kings, with Niall holding ace jack. A king on the river sendt Niall out in 8th.
Karl larkin was the next player to go when he pushed all in with Ace Queen and was called by Kyle Byrnes Ace 10. Kyle rivered a 10 to send Karl to the rails.
Next to go was Darek in 6th when he pushed all in and was called by Bobby and Kyle. Both players checked to the river with Kyle tabling 9,10 clubs for a rivered flush.
Zenonas and Larry Devereaux were involved in a hand soon after that sent Larry out in 6th. On an ace 10 4 board, Larry pushed all in and tables Ace 7. Zenonas showed Ace 10 with larry needing a miracle that didnt come.
5 handed play went on for a while, with some big hand being shown. Zenonas was very unlucky on 3 occasions where he raised into Reimo who came over the top of the raise and went all in. Zenonas 3 times folded (queens and jacks on 2 occasions) and 3 times was shown aces by reimo!!
Kyle Byrne was trying bhis best to be knocked out but the cat with 9 lives couldnt. He wenty all in with 8,9 and was called by Reimo's Ace King to spike an 8 on the turn. This is just one of his all ins he survived while getting in behind.
Bobby McGee went out in 5th spot when he pushed with Queens and was called by Kyle Byrne and 9s. (Zenonas had folded a 9).
Kyle flopped the case 9 and sent Bobby to the rails. Bobby was unlucky in a few spots as he got in it ahead most of the time either to be outflopped or rivered. Bobby took €70 for his 5th Place finish.
Play didnt last much longer and Zenonas pushed on Trevors Big Blind. Trevor called with Jack 7, against Zenonas Queen 9. Trevor Turned a 7 and Zenonas took 4th and €200 for his troubles.
So Reimo, Trevor and Kyle each won a ticket to JP Masters game on Friday.
So best of luck on Friday to the ticket Winners. Hopefully one of them can have a good run and go deep!!
Star Poker Bray Wednesday Night Results
Congratulations to Derek Kenny who won our Wednesday €20 Spring League Freeze-Out Tournament. With 70 players top prize paid €363 and the top 7 got paid. On the final hand Derek called an all-in pre-flop with K/9 clubs against A/8. A 9 on the flop gave him a pair which held up to the river.
pictures of the action:

Updated League Table:
SPRING Wednesday's league (after 3rd week):
1. Darren Connick 52 pts
2. Reimo Reinpalu 46 pts
3. Paul Scanlan 43 pts
4. Derek Verhoeven 42 pts
5. Colm Martin 41 pts
Neil Murray 41 pts
7. Stephen Balfe 40 pts
8. Karl Larkin 39 pts
9. Paul McMahon 35 pts
10. Barry McGovern 31 pts
11. Alan Murphy 27 pts
Derek Kenny 27 pts
13. Michael Forde 26 pts
Sean Hammond 26 pts
15. Stephen Armstrong 25 pts
16. Frankie Nolan 24 pts
John McDonnell 24 pts
Mark Nolan 24 pts
19. Keith Johnstone 23 pts
Niall Fanning 23 pts
Stephen Ryan 23 pts
22. Maurice Goodwin 22 pts
23. Lorenzo Fusciardi 21 pts
Rowan Van Embden 21 pts
25. Frank Sutton 20 pts
Keith Clucas 20 pts
Stephen Neary 20 pts
28. Gerry Finglas 19 pts
29. Elena Anton 18 pts
30. Richie Owens 17 pts
Tom Maguire 17 pts
32. Jimmy Brandon 16 pts
Micky Merrigan 16 pts
34. Adrian Connick 15 pts
Karl Verhoeven 15 pts
Mark Brady 15 pts
Paddy Maher 15 pts
38. Dan Neary 14 pts
39. Ciaran McGrath 13 pts
40. Dan Neculaescu 12 pts
George Chef 12 pts
42. Dominik Krzysztalowicz 11 pts
Sean Popplewell 11 pts
44. David O'Connor 9 pts
Giulio Popplewell 9 pts
Ronan Murtagh 9 pts
47. Aly Khalil 8 pts
Damian Whyte 8 pts
49. Ronan Kenny 6 pts
50. James Court 5 pts
Mick Stevens 5 pts
Reggie Corrigan 5 pts
53. Ioan Gherghel 4 pts
Juan Gavida 4 pts
Mark Burke 4 pts
56. Ken Norton 3 pts
Zoe Giltrap 3 pts
58. Daugisdas Rimgaila 2 pts
59. Niall Vaughan 1 pts
pictures of the action:

Updated League Table:
SPRING Wednesday's league (after 3rd week):
1. Darren Connick 52 pts
2. Reimo Reinpalu 46 pts
3. Paul Scanlan 43 pts
4. Derek Verhoeven 42 pts
5. Colm Martin 41 pts
Neil Murray 41 pts
7. Stephen Balfe 40 pts
8. Karl Larkin 39 pts
9. Paul McMahon 35 pts
10. Barry McGovern 31 pts
11. Alan Murphy 27 pts
Derek Kenny 27 pts
13. Michael Forde 26 pts
Sean Hammond 26 pts
15. Stephen Armstrong 25 pts
16. Frankie Nolan 24 pts
John McDonnell 24 pts
Mark Nolan 24 pts
19. Keith Johnstone 23 pts
Niall Fanning 23 pts
Stephen Ryan 23 pts
22. Maurice Goodwin 22 pts
23. Lorenzo Fusciardi 21 pts
Rowan Van Embden 21 pts
25. Frank Sutton 20 pts
Keith Clucas 20 pts
Stephen Neary 20 pts
28. Gerry Finglas 19 pts
29. Elena Anton 18 pts
30. Richie Owens 17 pts
Tom Maguire 17 pts
32. Jimmy Brandon 16 pts
Micky Merrigan 16 pts
34. Adrian Connick 15 pts
Karl Verhoeven 15 pts
Mark Brady 15 pts
Paddy Maher 15 pts
38. Dan Neary 14 pts
39. Ciaran McGrath 13 pts
40. Dan Neculaescu 12 pts
George Chef 12 pts
42. Dominik Krzysztalowicz 11 pts
Sean Popplewell 11 pts
44. David O'Connor 9 pts
Giulio Popplewell 9 pts
Ronan Murtagh 9 pts
47. Aly Khalil 8 pts
Damian Whyte 8 pts
49. Ronan Kenny 6 pts
50. James Court 5 pts
Mick Stevens 5 pts
Reggie Corrigan 5 pts
53. Ioan Gherghel 4 pts
Juan Gavida 4 pts
Mark Burke 4 pts
56. Ken Norton 3 pts
Zoe Giltrap 3 pts
58. Daugisdas Rimgaila 2 pts
59. Niall Vaughan 1 pts
Thursday Night Poker
1st off, we start in the Coach House Roundwood.
Kicks off at 8.00pm, Buy in is €35 (20 buy in, 10 top up and 5 reg). If you dont take the top-up its €25. The starting stacks are 5k and the top is the same. Blinds are 15/20. Hot food served on the break. Usually always has 2 tables. Friendly Game, new players welcome, Ritchie Cullen runs the game here.
Star Poker Bray, have a €20 rebuy satellite to their big €220 game on the 19 May. Kicking off at 8.00pm, you can late register up to the end of the break at 9.30pm. Starting stack of 5k and a 15 minute clock, unlimited €10 rebuys up to the break (€10 each, 5k stack) and 1 top up allowed at the break for €10 for another 5k. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break. Usually always have 40 players but could get more with some players trying to sat their way into the big game. (4 Tickets won here last week in this game!)
Cash table available usually after 10 and fill up quickly. 25/50c blinds, 10% rake once the flop is seen and capped at €3 per pot. tables usually fill up fairly fast.
Finally Whistlers are having a €20 plus 2 €10 top ups/rebuys game tonight. I think its kicking off at 8pm. Usually always gets a table.
Good Luck at the tables.
Kicks off at 8.00pm, Buy in is €35 (20 buy in, 10 top up and 5 reg). If you dont take the top-up its €25. The starting stacks are 5k and the top is the same. Blinds are 15/20. Hot food served on the break. Usually always has 2 tables. Friendly Game, new players welcome, Ritchie Cullen runs the game here.
Star Poker Bray, have a €20 rebuy satellite to their big €220 game on the 19 May. Kicking off at 8.00pm, you can late register up to the end of the break at 9.30pm. Starting stack of 5k and a 15 minute clock, unlimited €10 rebuys up to the break (€10 each, 5k stack) and 1 top up allowed at the break for €10 for another 5k. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break. Usually always have 40 players but could get more with some players trying to sat their way into the big game. (4 Tickets won here last week in this game!)
Cash table available usually after 10 and fill up quickly. 25/50c blinds, 10% rake once the flop is seen and capped at €3 per pot. tables usually fill up fairly fast.
Finally Whistlers are having a €20 plus 2 €10 top ups/rebuys game tonight. I think its kicking off at 8pm. Usually always gets a table.
Good Luck at the tables.
Star Poker Bray Saturday & Sunday Night Reports
Congratulations to Barry Mcgovoren and Ruairi McHugh who outlasted a field of 35 runners to split last Saturday's €25 Re-Entry Tournament.
Top 5 places were paid tonight with a top prize of €280.
Congratulations to Lorenzo Fusciardi on winning last Sundays €20 freezeout. He beat a field of 27 runners to claim first prize of €182.
Top 5 places were paid tonight with a top prize of €280.
Congratulations to Lorenzo Fusciardi on winning last Sundays €20 freezeout. He beat a field of 27 runners to claim first prize of €182.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Just a quick thanks to all who follow and contribute to the blog. It was set up to be informative for Wicklow Poker Players and we are not even a year old and have had 20,000 hits!! So thanks for now, and hopefully the blog can grow bigger and better with new features being added soon!
Wednesday Night Poker
Kicking us off is Star Poker Bray and their €20 (15 plus 5 reg)Freezeout tournament. Kicking off at 8.00pm, you can late reg up to the end of the break at 9.30pm. Blinds are 15 minutes and you have a 10k starting stack. Refreshments available throughout and sambos served at the break (30 minute break from 9-9.30pm). The busiest night in the Poker room nearly always gets 70 plus. The new spring league is now in its 3rd week.
Reimo Reinpalu currently leads the way in the league. (League table available on the blog in last weeks results)
Cash Games Available around 10 o'clock and the tables fill up very quickly. blinds 25/50c, rake is 10% once a flop is seen and capped at €3. Usually fills the 2 tables. The maximum buy-in for cash has now increased to €500!
Whistlers game has been moved to another night during the week.
There was also another game in the 56 in Arklow (beside the carpark) this has also been cancelled.
So Just the one game in Bray tonight (good venue and good game).
Good Luck at the tables!
Reimo Reinpalu currently leads the way in the league. (League table available on the blog in last weeks results)
Cash Games Available around 10 o'clock and the tables fill up very quickly. blinds 25/50c, rake is 10% once a flop is seen and capped at €3. Usually fills the 2 tables. The maximum buy-in for cash has now increased to €500!
Whistlers game has been moved to another night during the week.
There was also another game in the 56 in Arklow (beside the carpark) this has also been cancelled.
So Just the one game in Bray tonight (good venue and good game).
Good Luck at the tables!
Old Forge Wicklow Tuesday Night Results
Last night was the final week of the Old Forge Fitz EOM Poker League. Well done to Niall O'Connor who took the 20 points. A 3 way chop was agreed between Niall, Jim Connors & Larry Dias, with Larry taking 15 points and Jim 12. Robert Carroll was 4th and got his money back.
Best hand of the night overall was Quad 4s for Mark O'Neill and Best hand before the break was Kings full of Jacks for Larry Dias.
I will update the league and text everyone to confirm the final table for next week.
Best hand of the night overall was Quad 4s for Mark O'Neill and Best hand before the break was Kings full of Jacks for Larry Dias.
I will update the league and text everyone to confirm the final table for next week.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Tuesday Night Poker
The first game to report is in the Olde Forge Wicklow Town.
Kicking off at 8pm, reg from 7.45pm, €30 freezeout (25 plus 5 reg) Starting stack of 9k, early bird chip of 1000 for anyone in their seat by 8 and an extra 500 if you confirm by text 0868446556.
Best hand before the break tonight gets 5k in chips.
Consistently hits the 20 mark, with new faces coming every week. There are over 60 players in the league. Paddy Clarke currently leads the way on the league table. Paddy Clarke took the 20 Points from last weeks game and will be going for the 2 weeks in a row and 40 points.
Cash Game available afterwards,50c/€1 blinds, rake 10% once a flop is seen capped at €3 per pot.
Finally, the Tuesday game in Jacobs Well, Rathdrum.
Each week they alternate between 2 games. 1 game is a €50 freezeout. starting stack is 62k (you are reading this correctly), blinds are 15/20 mins. no money kept behind all is paid out in prizefunds. starts at 8.30 and can run for a while with a stack this big!!
Their 2nd game is €30, with a €10 rebuy only for the first 3 levels. starting stack is not as big, i believe its around the 20k mark, and blinds are as above 15/20 mins.
Pot Limit cash game also runs when enough players are knocked out of the game.
Good luck at the table Folks.
Kicking off at 8pm, reg from 7.45pm, €30 freezeout (25 plus 5 reg) Starting stack of 9k, early bird chip of 1000 for anyone in their seat by 8 and an extra 500 if you confirm by text 0868446556.
Best hand before the break tonight gets 5k in chips.
Consistently hits the 20 mark, with new faces coming every week. There are over 60 players in the league. Paddy Clarke currently leads the way on the league table. Paddy Clarke took the 20 Points from last weeks game and will be going for the 2 weeks in a row and 40 points.
Cash Game available afterwards,50c/€1 blinds, rake 10% once a flop is seen capped at €3 per pot.
Finally, the Tuesday game in Jacobs Well, Rathdrum.
Each week they alternate between 2 games. 1 game is a €50 freezeout. starting stack is 62k (you are reading this correctly), blinds are 15/20 mins. no money kept behind all is paid out in prizefunds. starts at 8.30 and can run for a while with a stack this big!!
Their 2nd game is €30, with a €10 rebuy only for the first 3 levels. starting stack is not as big, i believe its around the 20k mark, and blinds are as above 15/20 mins.
Pot Limit cash game also runs when enough players are knocked out of the game.
Good luck at the table Folks.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Final updates
And we are finished here in Arklow!! (Sorry folks I couldn't update more as I was involved myself and ran deep). Well done to reimo Reinpalu, Trevor conyard and Kyle Byrne who all get a JP masters main vent ticket worth 570€. 4th place went to Zenonas who got €200 and 5th was bobby McGee for €70.
Ill give a big update tomorrow but well done to all the winners.
Ill give a big update tomorrow but well done to all the winners.
Live updates
And we are down to 5 as we lose 2 players in the space of 3 hands. First to go was darel Denisiuk when he pushed and was called by bobby McGee and Kyle byrne. Kyle rivered a flush holding 9,10 clubs to send Darek to the rail.
And in 5th place goes Larry Devereaux who pushed all in with ace 7 on an ace 10 4 board only to be called by Zenonas and his ace 10 which held.
And in 5th place goes Larry Devereaux who pushed all in with ace 7 on an ace 10 4 board only to be called by Zenonas and his ace 10 which held.
Live updates
And we are down to 7 as Kyle Byrne knocks out Karl larkin and his ace queen when he rivers a 10. Niall o connor has just gone in 8th as Trevor conyard called his all in on the turn with kings and Niall tabling ace jack.
Live updates
We have just had another big pot develop between Niall and Trevor on a king jack 9 flop. Trevor bet, Niall raised and Trevor called. A 4 on the turn, with Trevor checking and ball betting 9k and a call. Another king in the river and it went check check with Trevor tabling ace king for a big pot
Live updates
And we are down to 9 as Craig Ledwith is the first to go. Trevor conyard raised with ace king an wa called by Kyle Byrnes ace 8. Craig pushed with ace jack for €3500 in total and was called by Larry, Trevor and Kyle. The flop read ace queen 3, turn 2, river 7. Trevor tabled ace king for the pot
Live updates
We are on break here folks, and Niall O'Connor is leading the way after his big pot earlier in the game. Right before the break Reimo Reinpalu flopped Quads but didn't get paid. More action as it happens.
Live updates
Kyle Byrne has just taken a big pit involving Karl Larkin where he has rivered a straight. The pot was approx 20k and makes Karl the short stack.
Larry Devereaux leads the way at the moment with Niall O'Connor in 2nd.
Larry Devereaux leads the way at the moment with Niall O'Connor in 2nd.
Old Ship Arklow Final Table Live Updates
Action happening thick and fast here in Arklow. Some big folds and even bigger pots and we have only started level 4!! Kyle byrne limped with aces and folded to a small river bet with 3 diamonds on the board. Niall O'Connor has just won a 40k pot with the blinds at 200/400, he rivered an ace high flush against Craig Ledwiths king high flush.
More of the action to come as it happens.
More of the action to come as it happens.
Monday Night Poker
No game tonight except for the final table of the Old Ship Poker League. Kicking off at 6pm, the following 10 players will play off for 3 €570 JP Masters main event tickets with a cash prize for 4th.
Larry Devereaux
Reimo Reinpalu
Karl Larkin
Dariusz Denisiuk
Bobby McGee
Trevor Conyard
Niall O'Connor
Kyle Byrne
Craig Ledwith
Zenonas Sudeikis
Best of luck to all involved. Pictures and updates hopefully posted as it happens!
Larry Devereaux
Reimo Reinpalu
Karl Larkin
Dariusz Denisiuk
Bobby McGee
Trevor Conyard
Niall O'Connor
Kyle Byrne
Craig Ledwith
Zenonas Sudeikis
Best of luck to all involved. Pictures and updates hopefully posted as it happens!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Sunday Night Poker

StarPoker Bray, Kicks off at 8.00pm and you can register up to the end of the break at 9.30pm. Buy in is €20 (15 plus 5 reg). 10k starting stack and a 15 minute clock. Refreshments served throughout and sambos served on the break. This game could have anything up to 50 + players. Probably the 2nd biggest night to the Wednesday Game.
Cash Tables available when enough players are around to start. blinds are 25/50c, 10% rake once a flop is seen and capped at €3 per pot. I think the minimum you can buy onto cash for is €25 and the Maximum is €500.
Doyles Rathnew Friday Night Results
18 players in doyles Friday Night. The top 4 paid were Keith Doyle, Eamonn Franey, Declan Earls and Peter Porter (€400, €200, €150 & €70). Best hand of the night was a poker of 8s for Nigel Darragh.
Star Poker Bray Friday Night Results
Congratulations to Patrick Cowan, Nick Gleeson, Joanna Burke and Ciaran McGrath who all split the Friday €25 +1 Re-Entry Tournament. With 60 players top prize paid €480 and the top 6 were paid.
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