Star Poker Bray is on tonight and its the same tournament as a Friday Night "the double chance tournament. Be knocked out or go bust before the end of the break and you can rebuy again for €25 (20 plus 5 reg). Starts at 8.00pm and you can register up to 9.30pm. Blinds are 15 mins and a 10k starting stack. Refreshments served throughout and hot food served at the break. probably get 30 plus again as its the only game on around wicklow.
Cash Tables available when enough players are around to start. blinds are 25/50c, 10% rake once a flop is seen and capped at €3 per pot. The minimum you can buy onto cash for is €25 and the Maximum has been increased to €500.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Newtown Friday Night Results
Under the direction of stand in TD David Brewster, 17 players took part in Fridays tournament. David himself and Neil Yeoman chopped the top two prizes and got €210 each. Geraldine Nolan got third prize of €100, Jason O'Brien took 4th prize of €60.
Best hand of the night was Conor Byrnes house of Kings full Aces, so Conor wins free buy in next week.
Best hand of the night was Conor Byrnes house of Kings full Aces, so Conor wins free buy in next week.
Star Poker Bray Thursday Night Results
Congratulations to Andrew Balfe, Callum Jacobs and Jeff Barry who all won tickets in thursday nights €20 Satellite Tournament. Each ticket is worth €220 and gives the holder free entry in to the Super Star Sunday Freeze-Out Tournament on 19th May.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Friday Night Poker
Action as follows:
Doyles Rathnew, starts at 8.00pm. Seems to be getting 2 tables consistently now. €20 buy in and a starting stack of 2.5k and a 20 min clock. You can rebuy/topup 3 times and if your gone before the break you can buy a deadstack and the 3 topups for €50. All money taken in on the night goes back out in the prizefund.
The Kennedy inn, Newtown. Starts at 8.00pm, buy in is €20, with a €20 top up. early bird chip of 1k if your there before 8. Starting stack of 10k and a 20 min clock. The topup/rebuy is also for 10k. Consistently getting 2 tables now, this is a good game.
Star Poker Bray, have their €25 (20 plus 5 reg) double chance tournie. Bust or be knocked out before the end of the first break at 9.30pm and you can rebuy for a further €25. Starts at 8.00pm and you can late reg up to 9.30pm. Starting stack of 10k, 15 min blinds and usually 30/40 plus runners last week 50 plus i believe. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break.
Cash tables run until late and usually have 2 going. 25/50c blinds. 10% rake once a flop is seen, capped at €3 per pot, again the 2 cash tables usually fill up fairly fast.
Have a good weekend and good luck at the tables.
Doyles Rathnew, starts at 8.00pm. Seems to be getting 2 tables consistently now. €20 buy in and a starting stack of 2.5k and a 20 min clock. You can rebuy/topup 3 times and if your gone before the break you can buy a deadstack and the 3 topups for €50. All money taken in on the night goes back out in the prizefund.
The Kennedy inn, Newtown. Starts at 8.00pm, buy in is €20, with a €20 top up. early bird chip of 1k if your there before 8. Starting stack of 10k and a 20 min clock. The topup/rebuy is also for 10k. Consistently getting 2 tables now, this is a good game.
Star Poker Bray, have their €25 (20 plus 5 reg) double chance tournie. Bust or be knocked out before the end of the first break at 9.30pm and you can rebuy for a further €25. Starts at 8.00pm and you can late reg up to 9.30pm. Starting stack of 10k, 15 min blinds and usually 30/40 plus runners last week 50 plus i believe. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break.
Cash tables run until late and usually have 2 going. 25/50c blinds. 10% rake once a flop is seen, capped at €3 per pot, again the 2 cash tables usually fill up fairly fast.
Have a good weekend and good luck at the tables.
Star Poker Wednesday Night Results and Updated League Table
Congratulations to Rudolf Zidlik, Jimmy Brandon and Craig Flanigan who all split the Wednesday €20 Spring League Freeze-Out Tournament. With 74 players top prize paid €383 and the top 7 were paid. After playing a hand to see who got what points for the league Rudolf came 1st, Jimmy 2nd and Craid 3rd.
Pictures of the action:

Updated League Table after 6 weeks:
1. Reimo Reinpalu 94 pts
2. Darren Connick 80 pts
3. Derek Verhoeven 78 pts
4. Colm Martin 68 pts
5. Alan Murphy 67 pts
6. Jimmy Brandon 62 pts
7. Karl Larkin 57 pts
8. Rolandas Vizbara 54 pts
9. Dan Neculaescu 53 pts
10. Derek Kenny 48 pts
Frankie Nolan 48 pts
Neil Murray 48 pts
13. Paul Scanlan 43 pts
14. Alan Harris 42 pts
Keith Clucas 42 pts
Stephen Balfe 42 pts
17. Stephen Armstrong 41 pts
18. Eddie Gallagher 38 pts
Mark Nolan 38 pts
20. Paul McMahon 35 pts
21. Barry McGovern 34 pts
Stephen Neary 34 pts
Tom Maguire 34 pts
24. Mark Brady 32 pts
25. Damian Whyte 31 pts
26. Michael Forde 30 pts
Sean Hammond 30 pts
28. Frank Sutton 28 pts
29. Darren Jordan 27 pts
Philip McCormack 27 pts
Rudolf Zidlik 27 pts
32. Attilla Pozsar 26 pts
Lorenzo Fusciardi 26 pts
Martin Smyth 26 pts
35. Craig Flanigan 25 pts
Kevin Tiilikainen 25 pts
Simon Mackey 25 pts
38. Janos Jeszek 24 pts
John McDonnell 24 pts
40. Karl Verhoeven 23 pts
Keith Johnstone 23 pts
Niall Fanning 23 pts
Rob Lawless 23 pts
Stephen Ryan 23 pts
45. Maurice Goodwin 22 pts
Stephen O'Conner 22 pts
47. Rowan Van Embden 21 pts
48. Giulio Popplewell 20 pts
Jeff Barry 20 pts
50. Gerry Finglas 19 pts
Jim Connors 19 pts
Jurate Saulyte 19 pts
Sean Popplewell 19 pts
54. Elena Anton 18 pts
Neil Cahill 18 pts
56. Max Auci 17 pts
Richie Owens 17 pts
58. Ger Cleary 16 pts
Micky Merrigan 16 pts
Paddy Maher 16 pts
Petru Ioam 16 pts
Ronan Murtagh 16 pts
63. Adrian Connick 15 pts
Ronan Kenny 15 pts
65. Dan Neary 14 pts
Rob Browne 14 pts
67. Cian Ryan 13 pts
Ciaran McGrath 13 pts
Michael Sullivan 13 pts
70. George Chef 12 pts
71. Dominik Krzysztalowicz 11 pts
72. David O'Connor 9 pts
73. Aly Khalil 8 pts
74. Pauline Dunne 6 pts
Radu Torczcoi 6 pts
76. Glen Murphy 5 pts
James Court 5 pts
Mick Stevens 5 pts
Reggie Corrigan 5 pts
80. Ioan Gherghel 4 pts
Juan Gavida 4 pts
Mark Burke 4 pts
Thomas Ward 4 pts
Tomas Saulys 4 pts
85. Ken Norton 3 pts
Zoe Giltrap 3 pts
87. Daugisdas Rimgaila 2 pts
Tadas Galkus 2 pts
89. Darren Carney 1 pts
Niall Vaughan 1 pts
Pictures of the action:

Updated League Table after 6 weeks:
1. Reimo Reinpalu 94 pts
2. Darren Connick 80 pts
3. Derek Verhoeven 78 pts
4. Colm Martin 68 pts
5. Alan Murphy 67 pts
6. Jimmy Brandon 62 pts
7. Karl Larkin 57 pts
8. Rolandas Vizbara 54 pts
9. Dan Neculaescu 53 pts
10. Derek Kenny 48 pts
Frankie Nolan 48 pts
Neil Murray 48 pts
13. Paul Scanlan 43 pts
14. Alan Harris 42 pts
Keith Clucas 42 pts
Stephen Balfe 42 pts
17. Stephen Armstrong 41 pts
18. Eddie Gallagher 38 pts
Mark Nolan 38 pts
20. Paul McMahon 35 pts
21. Barry McGovern 34 pts
Stephen Neary 34 pts
Tom Maguire 34 pts
24. Mark Brady 32 pts
25. Damian Whyte 31 pts
26. Michael Forde 30 pts
Sean Hammond 30 pts
28. Frank Sutton 28 pts
29. Darren Jordan 27 pts
Philip McCormack 27 pts
Rudolf Zidlik 27 pts
32. Attilla Pozsar 26 pts
Lorenzo Fusciardi 26 pts
Martin Smyth 26 pts
35. Craig Flanigan 25 pts
Kevin Tiilikainen 25 pts
Simon Mackey 25 pts
38. Janos Jeszek 24 pts
John McDonnell 24 pts
40. Karl Verhoeven 23 pts
Keith Johnstone 23 pts
Niall Fanning 23 pts
Rob Lawless 23 pts
Stephen Ryan 23 pts
45. Maurice Goodwin 22 pts
Stephen O'Conner 22 pts
47. Rowan Van Embden 21 pts
48. Giulio Popplewell 20 pts
Jeff Barry 20 pts
50. Gerry Finglas 19 pts
Jim Connors 19 pts
Jurate Saulyte 19 pts
Sean Popplewell 19 pts
54. Elena Anton 18 pts
Neil Cahill 18 pts
56. Max Auci 17 pts
Richie Owens 17 pts
58. Ger Cleary 16 pts
Micky Merrigan 16 pts
Paddy Maher 16 pts
Petru Ioam 16 pts
Ronan Murtagh 16 pts
63. Adrian Connick 15 pts
Ronan Kenny 15 pts
65. Dan Neary 14 pts
Rob Browne 14 pts
67. Cian Ryan 13 pts
Ciaran McGrath 13 pts
Michael Sullivan 13 pts
70. George Chef 12 pts
71. Dominik Krzysztalowicz 11 pts
72. David O'Connor 9 pts
73. Aly Khalil 8 pts
74. Pauline Dunne 6 pts
Radu Torczcoi 6 pts
76. Glen Murphy 5 pts
James Court 5 pts
Mick Stevens 5 pts
Reggie Corrigan 5 pts
80. Ioan Gherghel 4 pts
Juan Gavida 4 pts
Mark Burke 4 pts
Thomas Ward 4 pts
Tomas Saulys 4 pts
85. Ken Norton 3 pts
Zoe Giltrap 3 pts
87. Daugisdas Rimgaila 2 pts
Tadas Galkus 2 pts
89. Darren Carney 1 pts
Niall Vaughan 1 pts
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Thursday Night Poker
1st off, we start in the Coach House Roundwood.
Kicks off at 8.00pm, Buy in is €35 (20 buy in, 10 top up and 5 reg). If you dont take the top-up its €25. The starting stacks are 5k and the top is the same. Blinds are 15/20. Hot food served on the break. Usually always has 2 tables. Friendly Game, new players welcome, Ritchie Cullen runs the game here.
Star Poker Bray, have a €20 rebuy satellite to their big €220 game on the 19 May. Kicking off at 8.00pm, you can late register up to the end of the break at 9.30pm. Starting stack of 5k and a 15 minute clock, unlimited €10 rebuys up to the break (€10 each, 5k stack) and 1 top up allowed at the break for €10 for another 5k. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break. Usually always have 40 players but could get more with some players trying to sat their way into the big game. well worth a shot!! Over 12 tickets given out alrady in satellites.
Cash table available usually after 10 and fill up quickly. 25/50c blinds, 10% rake once the flop is seen and capped at €3 per pot. tables usually fill up fairly fast.
Finally Whistlers are having a €20 plus 2 €10 top ups/rebuys game tonight. I think its kicking off at 8pm. Usually always gets a table.
Good Luck at the tables.
Kicks off at 8.00pm, Buy in is €35 (20 buy in, 10 top up and 5 reg). If you dont take the top-up its €25. The starting stacks are 5k and the top is the same. Blinds are 15/20. Hot food served on the break. Usually always has 2 tables. Friendly Game, new players welcome, Ritchie Cullen runs the game here.
Star Poker Bray, have a €20 rebuy satellite to their big €220 game on the 19 May. Kicking off at 8.00pm, you can late register up to the end of the break at 9.30pm. Starting stack of 5k and a 15 minute clock, unlimited €10 rebuys up to the break (€10 each, 5k stack) and 1 top up allowed at the break for €10 for another 5k. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break. Usually always have 40 players but could get more with some players trying to sat their way into the big game. well worth a shot!! Over 12 tickets given out alrady in satellites.
Cash table available usually after 10 and fill up quickly. 25/50c blinds, 10% rake once the flop is seen and capped at €3 per pot. tables usually fill up fairly fast.
Finally Whistlers are having a €20 plus 2 €10 top ups/rebuys game tonight. I think its kicking off at 8pm. Usually always gets a table.
Good Luck at the tables.
Star Poker Bray Deepstack Sunday Results
Congratulations to Atilla Poszar, Reimo Reinpalu, Steven Neary and Rob Lawless on chopping the €75 monthly tournament. They beat a field of 58 runners which paid first place of €1508. They chopped up the remaining 4 places between them for €700 each with Atilla getting €940 as he held 50% of the chips.
Results (after deals):
1. Attilla Pozsar €940
2. Reimo Reinpalu €700
Rob Lawless €700
Stephen Neary €700
5. Paddy Scanlon €230
6. Paul Hickey €200
7. Niall O'Conner €75
8. Nick Keenan €75
9. Andrew Balfe €75
10. Patrick Cowan €75
Results (after deals):
1. Attilla Pozsar €940
2. Reimo Reinpalu €700
Rob Lawless €700
Stephen Neary €700
5. Paddy Scanlon €230
6. Paul Hickey €200
7. Niall O'Conner €75
8. Nick Keenan €75
9. Andrew Balfe €75
10. Patrick Cowan €75
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Wednesday Night Poker
Kicking us off is Star Poker Bray and their €20 (15 plus 5 reg)Freezeout tournament. Kicking off at 8.00pm, you can late reg up to the end of the break at 9.30pm. Blinds are 15 minutes and you have a 10k starting stack. Refreshments available throughout and sambos served at the break (30 minute break from 9-9.30pm). The busiest night in the Poker room nearly always gets 70 plus. The new spring league is now in its 6th week.
Can anyone catch Reimo Reinpalu?
(League table available on the blog in last weeks results)
Cash Games Available around 10 o'clock and the tables fill up very quickly. blinds 25/50c, rake is 10% once a flop is seen and capped at €3. Usually fills the 2 tables. The maximum buy-in for cash has now increased to €500!
So Just the one game in Bray tonight!!!
Good Luck at the tables!
Can anyone catch Reimo Reinpalu?
(League table available on the blog in last weeks results)
Cash Games Available around 10 o'clock and the tables fill up very quickly. blinds 25/50c, rake is 10% once a flop is seen and capped at €3. Usually fills the 2 tables. The maximum buy-in for cash has now increased to €500!
So Just the one game in Bray tonight!!!
Good Luck at the tables!
Old Forge Wicklow Tuesday Night Results
Congratulations to Jim Connors who took down last nights game in the Old Forge Wicklow. Jim beat Niall O'Connor heads up for the win and €220, with Niall getting €150. Jason Cooper was 3rd for €55 and Jason O'Brien 4th for his money back.
A Full table cash game got up and running straight after the game and ran into the early hours.
Thanks to all who came and hope to see you all next week.
A Full table cash game got up and running straight after the game and ran into the early hours.
Thanks to all who came and hope to see you all next week.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Tuesday Night Poker
2 games on tonight and the first is the weekly game at the old forge wicklow.
The current league is over so for a few weeks there will just be a weekly game running until the new league starts.
The game will be a €40 freezeout. 15k starting stack, 15 min blinds, 1k early bird chip and a 1k chip if you confirm your entry by text to 0868446556. 17 runners in this game last week.
Cash games will be available after or when enough players are knocked out. 50c/€1, rake 10% capped at €5.
Jacobs well also have their usual game. Each week they alternate between 2 games. 1 game is a €50 freezeout. starting stack is 62k (you are reading this correctly), blinds are 15/20 mins. no money kept behind all is paid out in prizefunds. starts at 8.30 and can run for a while with a stack this big!!
Their 2nd game is €30, with a €10 rebuy only for the first 3 levels. starting stack is not as big, i believe its around the 20k mark, and blinds are as above 15/20 mins.
Pot Limit cash game also runs when enough players are knocked out of the game.
Good luck at the table Folks.
The current league is over so for a few weeks there will just be a weekly game running until the new league starts.
The game will be a €40 freezeout. 15k starting stack, 15 min blinds, 1k early bird chip and a 1k chip if you confirm your entry by text to 0868446556. 17 runners in this game last week.
Cash games will be available after or when enough players are knocked out. 50c/€1, rake 10% capped at €5.
Jacobs well also have their usual game. Each week they alternate between 2 games. 1 game is a €50 freezeout. starting stack is 62k (you are reading this correctly), blinds are 15/20 mins. no money kept behind all is paid out in prizefunds. starts at 8.30 and can run for a while with a stack this big!!
Their 2nd game is €30, with a €10 rebuy only for the first 3 levels. starting stack is not as big, i believe its around the 20k mark, and blinds are as above 15/20 mins.
Pot Limit cash game also runs when enough players are knocked out of the game.
Good luck at the table Folks.
Old Ship Monday Night Results
Congratulations to Niall Higgins and Reimo Reinpalu who chopped last nights game in Arklow for €150 each. They played one hands heads up for the win, which Reimo won. Trevor Conyard was 3rd for €40. Best hand of the night was a full house of Aces full of 8s for niall higgins. 10 runners last night with some new faces and a few regulars missing due to the big match.
Thanks to all who came and hope to see you all next week.
Thanks to all who came and hope to see you all next week.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Monday Night Poker
1 game on tonight and its the weekly game at the old ship Arklow.
The current league is over so for a few weeks there will just be a weekly game running until the new league starts.
The game will be a €40 freezeout. 15k starting stack, 15 min blinds, 1k early bird chip and a 1k chip if you confirm your entry by text to 0868446556.
Cash games will be available after or when enough players are knocked out. 50c/€1, rake 10% capped at €5.
Good luck at the table Folks.
The current league is over so for a few weeks there will just be a weekly game running until the new league starts.
The game will be a €40 freezeout. 15k starting stack, 15 min blinds, 1k early bird chip and a 1k chip if you confirm your entry by text to 0868446556.
Cash games will be available after or when enough players are knocked out. 50c/€1, rake 10% capped at €5.
Good luck at the table Folks.
Star Poker Bray Saturday Night Results
Congratulations to Ronnie Ireland and Jason Hill on chopping Saturdays €25 re entry tournament. They beat a field of 24 runners that paid first prize of €240.
Star Poker Bray Friday Night Results
Congratulations to Rob Lawless, Rudolf Zidlik and Derek Kenny who all split the Friday €25 Re-Entry Tournament. With 60 players top prize paid €480 and the top 6 were paid.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Sunday Poker
The only game on Today is the Star Monthly Deepstack Game. Kicking off at 2.30pm, you can late reg up to 4.30pm. buy in is €75 (65 plus 10 reg). Starting stack of 20,000 and blinds 25 minutes up to the break and 30 minutes after. This game usually gets 50 plus players and generates a decent enough prizepool.
good luck at the tables.
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