For some reason the Poker Gods, every week they seem to put some goon (i wont call them donkeys or any other expletive) on the same table as me. Now im positive every one has there bad beat stories but jesus every week!!!
3 times in Bray now I have had the unfortunate bad beat experience. It seems when it comes to a flip, I never win. if im chasing something I never hit, Straights, Flushes, Full Houses, you name it, I should be so lucky!!!
One Thursday night, i was playing a scalp tournament with 18 people left and 5 players seen a flop. There was a small raise with 4 callers and I looked at Ace/Jack off and called to. The flop was Ace, 7 , 9 with 2 spades. The original raiser bet out, had 3 callers with me still to act, so i decided to push. I though hey all cant have Aces, So ill test and see and if im right, I rake in a 40k pot. Everyone folds except for the guy to my imemdiate right, who says I have nothing but a flush draw!! You can see where this is going cant you......
Anyway, he turns over King Queen spades (a calling hand) and hits runner runner queen queen to knock me out and win a 100k pot!! Monster chip leader and probably bully/put a lot of pressure on the remaining players. Sick was not the word, as I believe I got it in good and well the rest is history!
A Sunday Night me and my Brother Clif, decided to go in and try our luck. We both made the final table with a big stack and after 2 Hands and a raise and a call I wake up with Aces. I re-raise, the Guy to my left pushes all in, everyone folds and of course I cant get my chips in quick enough. Anyway, the river?!?!? you guessed it a 10! One guy at the end of the table starts laughing telling me he folded the other 10.
Last week in the €20 Freezeout in bray, I woke up with Kings when a short stack pushed with pocket 4s. Guess what hits on the river, Wahey, you guessed it again the CASE 4! The guy to my immediate right tells me he folded King 4!! WTF
And to top it all off, Last night in Bray, I had accumulated a nice stack and was well above average and I was dealt Ace King off. I raised 3 times the blind and everyone folded except for the TABLE GOON!! (Now im not usually one to rant but calling station is not the word) Anyway to cut a long story short, The flop was King, 3, 5. He bets I flat call. Now I thought I was trapping perfectly here, as I knew he hadnt got a King. The turn was a 2, he bets again, I call and the river a Queen. He pushes I Instacall and he shows 4, 6 off for a straight. he took 90% of my chips, as he was "defending his blind" BS no matter how high I raised he was calling, he is that type of player. I call them non-believers!! I was glad to give one of the guys a play poker with regulary my remaining chips as i was on massive tilt after that.
I have noticed on tables guys with all the small denomination chips. These are usually the guys to beware of, as it shows they play a lot of pots, or usually call just to see a flop, so this could be dangerous as it proved last night for me!! (bet you have heard that before). Like I said earlier in my post if I was to call whats the chances of me hitting, yet the same people seem to hit all the time!! Coincidence I think not. Some of these players are good in their own right, im definetly not saying they are not or even saying Im brilliant, because im far from it. But how do you change your game to win if your not hitting? Answer : by calling raises with 4,6 off? 9 times out of 10 you wont win. I believe in Karma and have also read many a times, you will have bad runs/bad beats for a while. Its up to you what way you come out of it, either a better player or 1 that constantly moans about losing and will never win, because of the negativity. But if there is a PKR god "Shine a Little Light on Me"
Now please post/comment/email me your stories or join the discussion, thats what the site is here for. RANT OVER...........ITS GOOD TO TALK
Now im positive every one has there bad beat stories but jesus every week!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing such a great piece of information with us. Keep up the great work.