Congratulations to Dave Brewster who wons last nights game in Newtown. Dave beat 14 runners to take prize of €200. Jason O'Brien was 2nd for €130, Clifton Conyard 3rd for 100, Geraldine Nolan 4th for €50 and Robert Nolan 5th for €20. Best hand of the night was quad 10s for Mick Kearney.
Dave knocked robert out in 5th when he raised Robs BB with Ace 8 against 6,8. Jason knocked Geraldine out when he rivered a Queen against Geraldines 10s. Dave then knocked Clifton out when Clif pushed all in with QJ, Dave called with AQ and it held. Dave beat Jason heads up when Jason pushed with QJ, Dave woke up with Aces! Well done Dave.
nice 1 brewster!! another one for the book