Congratulations to Trevor Conyard who took down last weeks game in the Old Ship Arklow. Trevor called Bobby McGee and Justas all in with Jack 9 Diamonds and was up against Ace 7 & Jack Queen. Trevor rivered a 9 to take top prize of €210. There was 18 runners and best hand before the break and overall was Quad Kings for Bobby McGee, which not only gave him an extra 5k in chips but also free entry to next weeks tournament.
A cash game got going after the final table with 8 players, which was good to see as there hasnt been one in a while. Maybe with the winter coming in and the darker nights the game will get busier.
There was also some action on the side with Craig Ledwith and Karl Larkin betting €20 on whoever last longest. There was only ever going to be 1 winner here and Craig duly took Karl's €20 with a big smile. (He didnt needle Karl to much about it)
Here is the Picture: (Loving Karls new look)
Final Table
Thanks to all who came and hope to see you all next week.
3 blade back and sides, tight on top, flick the fringe