Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday Night Poker

Action for tonight is as follows:

Doyles Rathnew, starts at 8.00pm. Seems to be getting 2 tables consistently now. €20 buy in and a starting stack of 2.5k and a 20 min clock. You can rebuy/topup 3 times and if your gone before the break you can buy a deadstack and the 3 topups for €50. All money taken in on the night goes back out in the prizefund.

The Kennedy inn, Newtown. Starts at 8.00pm, buy in is €20, with a €20 top up. early bird chip of 1k if your there before 8. Starting stack of 10k and a 20 min clock. The topup/rebuy is also for 10k. Usually gets 2 tables and the standard of play is very high, and its a good game.

Star Poker Bray, have their €25 (20 plus 5 reg) double chance tournie. Bust or be knocked out before the end of the first break at 9.30pm and you can rebuy for a further €25. Starts at 8.00pm and you can late reg up to 9.30pm. Starting stack of 10k, 15 min blinds and usually 30 plus runners. Refreshments available throughout and hot food served at the break. Dont forget to buy in for the jackpot. Read my post regarding the jackpot as its coming to an end soon.

Cash tables run until late and usually have 2 going. 25/50c blinds. 10% rake once a flop is seen, capped at €3 per pot, again the 2 cash tables usually fill up fairly fast.

Also a game in Lynskeys of Arklow. Im not sure if this game is still running, if anyone knows can they let me know please.

Have a good weekend and good luck at the tables.

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