Normal service to resume from Monday the 27th April. Ive made a few changes to the page, gave it a new look, deleted certain items etc. Ive some new stuff in the pipeline and will hopefully have some pictures and reports from every game around the county of Wicklow (not just the usual suspects). Also will be reporting/advising of games outside the county when asked, which happens quite a lot, so its not just going to be about wicklow going forward.
Im also going to post some questions/debates to try get some interaction within the wicklow community. The blog has been running over 2 years now and can get quite tedious/monotonous and can actually get quite annoying at times especially when all the work is being done for the good of the player (remember this is a voluntary blog, no profit made/wanted and actually takes up a bit of time between the blogging/facebook/twitter)
All i would like to see is a little more interaction. The players are there, just be nice and leave a little comment now. Ive had pro players come on the blog for free, FREE I SAY, to give advice/expertise (guys who have final tables EPT's, UKIPT's, WSOP's and yet I struggled to get questions to ask them) If i feel the same and think the blog has run its course well "all good things must come to an end" and the plug will be pulled (hopefully it doesnt get to this)
Anyway thanks for taking your time to have a read, like I said full reporting back from Monday 27th April.
Great to see you up and running again, hope to see you over the next few weeks.
Star Poker