Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monthly Deepstack

Okay, this is the big one. Star Poker Bray, Sunday @ 2.30pm, with late registration up to 4.30pm. The End of Month €75 (65 plus 10 fee), 20k starting stack, with a 25 minute clock up to the break and a 30 min clock after the break.

I have never entered an end of month, but if its like the Fitz or any other poker room I can only assume it attracts big numbers. The end of month is what most players wait for.

Refreshments available throughout and I am assuming food available at the break (if this is not the case I apologise, as they do it for every other tournament)

I believe a deepstack tournament with a clock of 25/30 mins is excellent and should have a decent prizepool to.


  1. will be trying to place in this tournament but up to now not had any luck.will have to stop going all in with 7 2 off...lol...mark
